How to Know Your Girlfriend Is The "Wild One"

Whenever you are out with your guys  and you all talk about girls it is always interesting to spot a ready group of girls, ripe for the picking. Resist the temptation if you have a wild girlfriend or you will face her wrath. if your girlfriend just makes you confused, here are some tips to help you understand her better:
1.She always walks one step ahead of the others. She absolutely love strip clubs, and anything fun. You can find her at the center of the group  It’s easy to  just sense that she is the coolest of the group.
2. All of her friends know to go to her for advice for sex, masturbation, porn, relationships, and generally delicate stuff that they wouldn’t be comfortable asking anyone else.
3. Her sex life is one of the most important facets of her overall being, but she is just not that sure about a relationship right now. In fact, you know it’s probably best for all parties involved to stay single for the time being.
4. Even though she might act like she does not care all that much about  current partner, she is usually overcome with these outrageous fits of jealousy for no reason.
5. She would never admit it, but she’ve definitely had her share of reading through your text messages or emails.
6. Some of her favorite sex has always been makeup sex, to the point where she  have occasionally started a fight simply to have super-passionate sex afterwards.
7. People have always been drawn to her especially romantically so dont blame her and even though she will tell them up front “I’ll chew you up a
nd spit you out,” they never listen.
8. She had pretty much always gone for the kinds of things that you want. Unfortunately, a lot of those things are more “impromptu trip to go visit an old friend” and less “build a stable career and a decent amount of savings.”
9. She is always the last one on the dance floor that everyone has to drag away to go home, and the first one who starts the party by dancing by herself when everyone else is too shy. She is not above using the sprinkler or the grocery shopping moves to put everyone at ease.
10. At least 10 percent of her major life choices have been made while slightly intoxicated and actually uttering the words “Fuck it, whatever.”
11. Kids in general either gross her out or freak her out, and she have a hard time picturing herself as a mother.
12. Her love is always an obsession, or nothing at all. There is no kind of love for her — even in friendship — that is not burning with passion and adventure. She can’t stand relationships that feel monotonous in any way.
13. She is deathly afraid of commitment because she don’t want to tell anyone where she will be in a few years. The idea of being obligated to stay in the same place is more terrifying than being alone, by far.


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