Things You Dint Know About Women
Women! Men say that we are so complicated and difficult but I do not quite agree. The thing is that everyone has their percilair trait that make them difficult. Men are just as twisted as women but here are some things about women that could help a man who is confused out there, maybe.

1.Women Can’t Keep A Secret
At least not much longer than about 48 hours. Because we always tell a friend. If we really want that secret kept, we’re better off telling someone of the opposite sex.
2.80% Of Women Fake Orgasms
Women fake orgasms to please their partners, disguise their lack of arousal and hurry up and get it over with. But a new study shows that a lot of women who fake orgasms are increasing their chances that a real one will come along.
3.You Can Catch Baby Fever
Apparently, the smell of newborn babies excites women the same way drugs excite addicts. One whiff of a newborn and you could be planning your own baby shower in no time.
4.Men Lie Twice As Much As We Do
A recent study found that the average man lies six times a day, while the average woman only lies three times. Did you trust everything he told you yesterday.
5.Heart Attacks Feel Different
Did you know that men and women experience heart attack symptoms differently? Men have chest pains. But women are more likely to feel nausea, indigestion and shoulder aches before a cardiac episode.
6. Pregnancy Brain Is Real
There’s a reason why women feel foggy during their pregnancies. That’s because their brains shrink by roughly four percent. Luckily, it returns to normal size once the baby is about six months old.
7. Snoring During Pregnancy Means You’ll Have A Smaller Baby
It sounds like an old wives’ tale, but there’s at least one study out there that suggests that this one could be true.
8. Women Are Better At Listening
There’s a reason he only remembers about half of what you say. Brain scans taken at the Indiana University School of Medicine recently found that women listen with both sides of their brains while men listen with just one


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